USG maps available on Sylloc Server

USG maps available on Sylloc Server 2013-12-21

We are pleased to announce you that you can now play on USG's maps on our server!

We've made available all of Universe Stargate team's maps on the server. You can check it out in the maps section, and find a download link in the downloads section. Thanks to the USG team!

List of USG maps:

These maps feature different themes: standard Stargate, Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe. Walk through Destiny's main room and admire the Stargate, visit one of Atlantis's worlds, witness a space battle!

usg_atlantis_mickeal usg_atlantis_submersion usg_stargate_jaanus_fix usg_stargate_serpent usg_stargate_spacebattle_fix usg_universe_air usg_universe_destiny